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RadioStationYellow River Radio

5:30pm Sunday Evenings

Sunday Evening 5:30 pm Worship Service

Sunday evenings at Yellow River provides another time for people to worship, fellowship, pray, and gather together around the Word of God. We begin right at 5:30 PM with a time of worship around music that is designed to honor and build up the Lord Jesus Christ. After singing and prayer, Pastor Davis leads a study from the Word of God.

These studies are designed to lead us to a deeper understanding of the Scripture, introduce us to or to deepen our relationship with Christ, and to support us in the lives that we live each week in a world that progressively leans further and further away from biblical principles. Living for Christ is not easy, but Sunday evenings at Yellow River helps us be better prepared to face the challenges. The foundation of each week’s lesson is the Word of God and a strong belief in the inerrancy of the Scripture.

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