envelopeinfo@yellowriverbaptist.com phone1-770-972-5580

RadioStationYellow River Radio


Our Church


Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.  Since 1871, God has been richly blessing our church and allowed us to have a significant role in the spiritual growth of our surrounding community. We are one of the oldest churches in Gwinnett County, but don't let our age fool you. We have an excitement for serving Christ, a desire to minister to the needs of families and individuals, along with a hunger to share the uplifting message of the Savior.

We trust our website will give you a glimpse into what God is doing here at Yellow River Baptist Church and that it will answer any questions you may have about our church. If you would like additional information, please visit the Contact Us page to reach a member of our staff.

Come and experience for yourself why God has so richly blessed us for well over a century as we lift Him up in praise, prayer, fellowship, and the study of His word. Plan on being a part of our services.