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Pre-school - 1st grade
Catherine Davis

Statistics reveal that children between the ages of 5 and 13 are more likely to accept Jesus as their personal Savior than any other age group; as a result, Sunday school is a vital component in teaching young children about the love of God.  We strive to make each child feel loved, accepted, highly valued, and precious in the eyes of Jesus.

We begin each class by allowing the students to share exciting things that took place in their life during the past week.  We encourage every child to share something with the class, as that sharing helps create a closeness and a bond within the class.

We then share praises and prayer requests, and every request is treated with the upmost respect.  We then join our hearts in prayer asking Jesus to bless our requests and our class time.

Our Bible lessons are age appropriate and cover both the Old and the New Testament.  Every lesson has an emphasis on applying what we have learned in our daily lives, encouraging children to be "doers of the word" (James 1:22).

We strive to make learning fun as we do games and activities to help emphasize the Bible lesson with information the child can share with their parents.  Once a month, we join other classes in the "Fort Faith" assembly room for an exciting time of songs, praise, prayer, learning, and snacks.